Daily Message ~ Friday March 17, 2017
Why not start your own surrender experiment? Simply surrender into have the most wonderful day possible and see how it goes. What will happen is...
Why not start your own surrender experiment? Simply surrender into have the most wonderful day possible and see how it goes. What will happen is...
Do you surrender or do you play tug of war? Do you give it up and then take it back? Surrender, true surrender, involves the...
Many of you hold yourself back from your dreams because you can not figure out all the steps that would bring your dream into fruition....
Many of you have an inner fear of your dreams coming true. It feels safer to keep your dreams off in the future, as a...
Oh my goodness. What a roller coaster ride! I am normally not a big crier. I'm really good at sucking things up and being stoic....
Why not have a surrender experiment? Why not surrender into having the most wonderful day? There doesn't need to be any grand ritual, just an...
Dear Ones, you give your feedback to the universe through gratitude. We give you feedback through signs and synchronicities. Constant communication is absolutely available to...
When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the 5 A's. Ask - Asking the universe for help gives us permission to...
We invite you to examine your life and look at any areas that aren't going quite as well as you might like. How much resistance...