Daily Message ~ Monday November 16, 2015
Dear Ones, we cannot stress this enough. It is wonderful for you to seek - to consult with psychics and channels, to read or listen...
Dear Ones, we cannot stress this enough. It is wonderful for you to seek - to consult with psychics and channels, to read or listen...
Dear Ones, we invite you to stop right now and ask yourselves what in your lives do you expect to be hard? Do you...
Many human beings would love to enter into their own communication with the angels, masters, or their guides, but hesitate because they are afraid. They...
During times of accelerated energies, it can be confusing as to why some people seem to thrive, and others seem to struggle. Shouldn't the energies...
Many of you love to give advice to others, meaning to help from your tender, loving hearts. But what if we told you that you...
Think of a professor who had devoted his entire life to the study of one particular topic and its history over the centuries. If you...
Having a relationship end and choosing not to love again is like having a car break down and then deciding never to drive again. You...
Your ego self can be rather extreme, often working with all or nothing energies. It cooks up grand schemes that sound dangerous and elicit...
Are you walking your talk? So many enlightening human beings spend years gathering information and educating themselves with reams of spiritual information and then hesitate...