Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 18, 2018
Many of you have lost interest in activities that used to bring you joy. Some of you are not sure what it is that would...
Many of you have lost interest in activities that used to bring you joy. Some of you are not sure what it is that would...
We wish to reiterate the importance of having fun as part of your enlightenment process moving forward. Getting in touch with what brings you joy...
As the energies continue to move forward, you will find more and more that anything that prevents you from your expression and expansion becomes very...
As you look forward to a new year, you are going to be creating in unprecedented energies. The question to ask yourself now is what...
What one thing that you have always wanted to do but haven't can you commit to finally giving yourself that experience? It could be learning...
The best way to love and support another is to encourage them to listen to their heart and the stirrings of their soul, to live...
Dear Ones, do you know what brings you joy? What you are passionate about? What makes your heart sing? Sadly, many of you have been...
What you are most passionate about is where you experience complete, whole-hearted, surrender and flow. It is the complete embracing of an energy and...
What percentage of your daily life is fun? Forty percent? Twenty percent? Zero percent? So many of you treat fun as an afterthought, or something...